martes, 31 de enero de 2023


Hello my Name is Alejandro and this is a blog of super smash bros one of my favorite videogames

Well to start we have to know what smas bros is and well smash bros is a non-traditional fighting video game since the tradiotional fighting video gmaes it is usually for life bar.

Smash tries to throw your enemy off the stage with blows and the more percentage of dmage you do to hum, the easier it will be to throe him off the stage


Well Smash bros was developed vy a guy named Masahiro Sakurai, first he wanted to develop a non-tradicional fighting game but with a kind of weird characters.

Then he asked Shigeru Miyamoto for permission to be able to put nintendo characters in fact they didn´t give him permission but hr developed it in secret and then he showed it to him and he said, well it doesn´t look so bad I´ll let him complete the game.

After a long of timr of development, he managed to finish the first smash bris and cme out for thr nintendo 64 console. In fact, it eas one of the last games released for this console.

Well the game only had 12 characters of wich 4 were unlockables well these were: Mario, Donkey Kong, Link, Samus, Yoshi, Kirby, Fox, Pikachu, Luigi, Ness, Captain Falcon, ans Jigglypuff.

Well the game was a sales succes so they inmediatly got down to work for a sequel wich was planned for the next console the game cube.

The resulr of this game is the well known Super Smash Bros Melee in this game added more characters apart from the ones that already existed and masde thr gameplay a little more challenging and competitive.

In faact, this game is considered the seconde best od the entire franchise, in fact, 21 years after its release, there are still tournaments for this game.

The next smash wuld take a few years to arrive but this one finally arrived.

It was called Super Smash Bros Braw and it was released for the Wii.

In this Smash, as in all of them, they added more characters but they also removed some from the last installment, either due to rights or not. They were very well received by the public.

Thet also made the game a little more casual and not so competitive since we remember that the wii was a console designed for the whole family and for more casual public, this made competitive players prefer the last intallment, Melee

The next installment would not be just 1, there would be 2, wich would be Super Smash Bros for Wii U and Super Smash Bros for 3Ds, wich would be very similar to each other since they would have the same numbre of characters but would change a bit in power and gmae modes.

Let us remember that the 3Ds is a portable console andtherefore has less power.

As in each installment thery would add and remove characters and for the first time they would add extra paid characters that would not come with the base gmae and tou would have to buy them separately.

These smashes were very good smashes but unfortunately they didn´t sell much since their launch console, the Wii U, only sold 15 million units, wich meant that almost no one traid this great games.

Well as I said this game was not played very much but it was very good so nintendo said I have a next console on the way and I know it will be a succes so work on the best smas you have, the game took 7 years to develop in fact Super Smash bros finished for Wii U and 3Ds and inmediatly got to work on the next smash.

This would have literally al the characters from pasr installments, it would have the gameplay of Melee but improved, they included characters that were highly request by the community such as King K. Rool, They did listen to the comunity.

The game is considered the best of the franchise so far and personally it is one of my favorite games.

This game is named: Super Smash Bros Ultimate.

Well thats Smash bros I hope you understood and enjoyed it, see later.


Hello my Name is Alejandro and this is a blog of super smash bros one of my favorite videogames Well to start we have to know what smas bros...